Club Memberships
New Member Deal
From July 29, 2024 thru the end of the 2024 golf season, any new member who buys a Single, Couple, Family, College, or Contract membership at the 2025 rates, can start using that membership for the remainder of the season. A new member is anyone who has not had a membership (besides a student membership) at Blooming Prairie Country Club for the past 5 or current seasons (2019 - 2024). Student memberships (high school) are not eligible for this promotion.
Come on out and enjoy the fun!
Membership Benefits
We offer a variety of membership options for those looking to become members. From junior memberships to full family memberships, there’s options to choose from. In addition, we also offer cart shed rentals to members for additional fees. Here are some of the benefits of becoming a member:
Usage of the golf course without paying green fees. This does not include carts.
Eligible to participate in either Men’s League
Discounted rate for all club tournaments (except for Contract members)
Eligible to play in the Club Championships
Play at any reciprocal course, only paying a cart fee.
Voting in membership meetings
Junior and College members are not eligible to vote
Family and Couple members count as a single vote
Contract members are eligible after two years of continuous membership
Stop by the clubhouse, give us a call at (507) 583-2887, or email club@bpcountryclub.com to discuss our memberships, and which might fit best for you. All memberships are subject to sales tax.