Men’s Monday and Tuesday Leagues
3-Person Scramble Match Play.
Handicapped based on team’s average score
CTP Contests:
$5.00 entry fee for Closest to the Pin on #2 & #5 each night
$40/person ($120/team)
Tee off time at 5:00PM each night.
Must be a member to participate. Subs do not need to pay a league fee. Call the clubhouse at (507) 583-2887 to sign up as a sub.
Contact Derek Resler at (507) 601-8300 for more information on the Men’s League.
Congratulations to the team of Ray Olson, Dave Seykora, and Tim Wacek, the winners of the 2023 Monday Night League!
Monday Night League
Team Standings
Tuesday Night League
Team Standings
Congratulations to the team of Joe Hubly, John Hubly Sr, and Robert White, the winners of the 2023 Tuesday Night League!
We look forward to seeing everyone out on the course next spring for a brand new year!